Intensive Case Management Program

Intensive Case Management Program
Case Management is a relationship-based service, similar to a counselling relationship. It is centered on the goals and values of the client – such as housing, education, social relationships, employment, volunteer work, and/or health related issues. After the initial assessment phase, the client and case manager develop a plan taking into account the client’s skills, strengths, deficits, resources and service requirements. The case manager provides assistance in obtaining and maintaining housing and/or direct skill teaching in the area of life skills. Assistance and support in activities of daily living, counselling and encouragement are offered to empower clients to attain their goals. In addition, referral, linkage and follow-up with needed and wanted supports and resources in the broader community are facilitated. Shared monitoring and evaluation of service plans and progress toward goals occurs on a continuous basis. Advocacy is also a central component of case management, on an individual and systemic level in order to ensure clients’ entitlements and service needs are met.
Case Management services at RCS are individualized, flexible, portable and not time-limited.
• Promotes self-determination and autonomy and recovery;
• Encourages individuality and diversity;
• Provides supportive counselling;
• Supports members with their goals and values – this may include housing, education, social relationships, employment, volunteer work, and/or health-related issues;
• Connects members to outside resources through referrals and/or community engagement;
• Includes member support team (friends, family, or agencies) in the provision and evaluation of services;
• Advocacy for member rights both on an individual and systemic level.